
On my heart today...........

My heart is so so very heavy today. A couple of my dear friends have had some very hard days this week. 

I would like to share with you all a little about my sweet friend Sherri. I can still remember the first time I met her, like it was yesterday. We had an instant connection. It was like we had been friends for years. I have SO enjoyed working with and getting to know her over the years. We have had lots and lots of laughs! There is still an open debate about whose laugh is louder in our clinic...mine or hers.........I admittedly have quite the cackle, but I think Sherri’s takes the cake. 

God placed her in my life for a reason. I wouldn’t fully know that reason (and still may not) until Caleb was diagnosed. I have always sensed we met for a reason though. I can still remember feeling anxious that it was going to upset her when she found out Caleb had cancer. .You see Sherri’s beautiful daughter, Lindsey, battled cancer and gained her wings before I met Sherri. I SO wish I had been able to meet her. I love  hearing Lindsey stories and the way her eyes light up when she talks about her. Sherri is my only close friend that knew me before cancer overtook my life who has traveled this road ahead of me. She stays on my mind so much since Caleb's diagnosis, especially our first days in Memphis.  She gets it......all of it! I hate that she gets it! Just like I know she hates it that I am have been dealt this card. I try really hard to hide if  I am upset because I feel guilty. I don’t want to upset her either.  She is SO strong! She struggles and sometimes people don’t understand her and that’s ok. It’s not their journey. To me she is an amazing, strong, beautiful soul. I am so thankful for our friendship. She is a blessing to me. Today marks the anniversary of Lindsey’s healing in heaven. 

Those of you who have been following Caleb’s journey undoubtedly know about my sweet sassy friend Hattie that I met at Ronald Mcdonald House.  Yesterday was her 5th birthday and first birthday in heaven. 

I cannot begin to imagine what these precious parents are going through. Please say an extra prayer for them today as these are difficult days for them. I would like to also like to encourage you to not sweat the small stuff. In the end, none of it really matters. Be kinder than necessary, you never know what people are walking through. If you see something beautiful in someone, tell them. Always tell people how much they mean to you and how you feel about them. In the end, it’s the things we don’t say and the chances we don’t take that haunt us. Life is short. 


The James Gang goes to St Jude's

What began as some knee pain quickly became a whirlwind. Caleb had been complaining of intermittent knee pain for about a week. He then bega...