
All things work together

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

All things work together Current mood: thankful Category: Life
This morning the pastor talked about sharing your testimony.....
I had not been in church in several years, when I found out I was pregnant. I have always thought it was important for children to be rasied in church. I began to want to find a church home. My husband, my best friend, and I visited a couple of places. There was a sense of urgency I felt that they did not. I did not want to visit alone.
Meanwhile, I began to start having some complications with my pregnancy. At my 24 week ultrasound, my AFI (amniotic fluid index) was quite low. That can sometimes mean there is a problem with the baby. I also developed a severe ear infection that was resistant to three courses of antibiotic therapy. I had to have surgery to find the problem with my ear at around 30 weeks. I joked with my ENT that one day I was going to see my OB more than him. I was right. I then developed PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) and was placed off work on modified bedrest. The twice weekly appointment at the OB office began. I began to look forward to going. I have a great doctor and his staff was wonderful. A lot of the time it was my only outing. My baby also remained in the breech position. The thought of a csection was more that I thought I could bear.
I am a nurse and have worked in labor and delivery for about three years now. I have witnessed a lot of happy deliveries. I have also seen many tragic situations. They include miscarriage, preterm delivery, fetal abnormalities and death, even the mom becoming critcally ill. I tried to be thankful and remember the people that had much more severe complications. I tried very hard to be positive and strong, and was most days. There were times that I felt very alone and scared. I did not want my family, friends, co-workers, and especially my husband, to know that I was scared at times. I prayed and talked to God about it.
God was watching over me. He led me to a doctor (long before babies were thought of) who is one of the few OB's in town that will even attempt and external version (manually turning the baby) One day, close to the end of my pregnancy, he told me he would be unable to attempt a version unless my AFI was much higher. I left in tears. I know a c section is not the end of the world, but at the time for me, it was.
A few nights later, I began contracting and went the hospital. My AFI was the highest it had been! PRAISE THE LORD! The external version was sucessful, and I delivered a PERFECTLY HEALTHY baby about a week later.
There were a few other issues postpartum as well. He was hospitalized at four days old for jaundice. I had a very hard time emotionally also. It seemed like everytime I turned around it was something else. A lot of minor problems are sometimes as bad if not worse than one major problem. I did not want to see or even talk to most of friends and family. I would get too upset and tearful. HORMONES
A few months went by.....I still had not found a church. Then one night right before Christmas, I felt very strongly that I had to go to church THAT NIGHT. We went to my mother in law's church and enjoyed their Christmas program. A few nights later on Christmas eve, I was changing Kohen's diaper and the hutch behind him (which probably weights 75-80 lbs) fell over on us. I was able to brace the fall. I only got some minor cuts and briuses on my arms. If I had been leaning over or getting something out the drawer, it would have killed him. I was very shaken, it took me several hours to go back to sleep. We began going to church, and I rededicated my life to God.
I didn't realize it at the time, but I now know that the reason that I went through that was, so I would need God. I was very happy and content in my life. I had everything I had ever thought I wanted, a nice home, good husband, a job I enjoy, family, great friends, and I was expecting a baby. There was something that was missing, a void, an emptiness. God needed to get my attention.
He has blessed me with a healthy, happy child that I am so grateful for daily. He has also blessed me with a lot of new Chrisitan friends.
That's my story. I hope to encourage you if you are going through something and not sure why, God may have a purpose not yet revealed.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose.

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About Me

I am married to my high school sweetheart, Zack. We have a son, Kohen, who is our angel. He is a healthy, happy, toddler that keeps us one o...