
Open Letter to my Work Family
Dear Work Family,

Heading in to work on this cold dreary day, I am struggling and feel terrible. I grab my care package of cough drops, Kleenex, cold medicine, and possibly a little chocolate,  swing by McDonald's for some oatmeal, and then on towards the medical district. I pull in the parking lot, wishing I was home in my pj’s, but something happened as soon as my badge hit that time clock.  My burden felt a little bit lighter. I had a sense of relief, comfort, and security. You see on days like today, I KNOW THAT I KNOW I can count on you all to help me get through the day. The feeling of knowing I am surrounded by people who genuinely care means SO much to me. You guys show me love, acceptance, and respect. That means so much more to me than you can EVER truly know.

Many of us have worked together for years. We have celebrated life’s joys and special occasions together. We have also stood alongside one another in dark and difficult times. When my Dad died unexpectedly, you guys were there. Also more recently, you were there when my entire world turned upside down as Caleb’s knee pain became a cancer diagnosis with a treatment plan of two and a half years.  I was such a wreck for so long. I tried really not take my emotions out on anyone and just stay quiet on the days I was upset..  I was at work when a fellow St. Jude parent called to tell me little Hattie, Caleb’s friend we met in Memphis who is a precious 4-year-old with rhabdomyosarcoma had relapsed. There was nothing more they could do, You let me ugly cry,  comforted me, and got someone to drive me home.

You were also there when I got the call from Make A Wish letting me new know Caleb’s wish to meet Mike Trout was going to be granted. I was overcome with emotion, and you all had no idea if I was happy or sad. You were SO excited for Caleb to celebrate the NO MO CHEMO and the adventures that await him now that treatment is completed.

What a HUGE blessing you all are to to me. Thank you for all you do. No matter if it is listening to me vent, playing with my hair, not asking what is wrong as I try to hold the tears back, grabbing me lunch as you get yours, or paging on the overhead speaker because I have no voice. For all the little things you do that make my life a little easier on days like today...... I just wanted to say thanks. I love and appreciate you guys so VERY VERY much! 

Alicia your sickly struggling sister

About Me

I am married to my high school sweetheart, Zack. We have a son, Kohen, who is our angel. He is a healthy, happy, toddler that keeps us one o...